10 types of women, from which escape men

- 1 1. Overconfidence
- 2 2. Over-refinement
- 3 3. Excessive “correctness”
- 4 4. Maniacal desire to marry
- 5 5. The belief that man – that’s one of her purse
- 6 6. The desire to surround a man total attention and care
- 7 7. The teacher high school
- 8 8. Excessive pomeshannost on their appearance
- 9 9. Convinced careerist
- 10 10. Woman – “moles”
Sobering article by Alexander Rodionov, who interrogated her friends men – identified ten types of women from whom men “merge” or unexpectedly terminated the relationship.
Lovely woman, just want to warn that this “male gaze”, so sorry for subjectivism.
1. Overconfidence
We call such women – “Lady – I have all cool.” Such women immediately make it clear that descended from heaven to earth is not of interest, but rather because of a favor to her man. They have little time, they looked at the clock, and basically all communication with them is reduced to listening to stories about how they all cool – at work, in the family, and the paradox of (!) Even in my personal life! And do not worry, that in fact she probably all bad, she pretends that she is a small, independent “Switzerland” in negotiations with a large but backward Russia.
2. Over-refinement
This is another feature that is “frozen out” of men in women – it is their excessive sophistication. She is interested in “early Rodin?” She goes to all the festivals of avant-garde cinema? She still friends with the “bottle” or “Wine Factory” – down the drain! Most men with their love of simple earthly things will feel “black sheep” in the flock sophisticated and advanced hipsters, with whom she feels “at ease”.
3. Excessive “correctness”
These women, as soon as you get to know them, begin to exert its correctness. She does not drink a drop of alcohol, she does not smoke, she goes to bed exactly at 23:00, she does yoga … Men subconsciously immediately raises the question – and it is generally engaged in sex, or also thinks it’s a bad habit ?! The more a man knows a woman, the more clearly understand that it would never be able to be myself – a whole collection of bad habits, from which he was not going to give up.
4. Maniacal desire to marry
If you are on the second date are familiar with their parents – have to run! So think most men – in this there is no doubt. Such women can immediately recognize the stories about family values, that the parents met at the institute and are still together, about how important it is to twist his “family nest.” Understand women, we are not against “family gnezdyshek” but his impatience and unwillingness to events run their course you put in us the suspicion – would not it be “family nest” into the “paddock and grazing calf.”
5. The belief that man – that’s one of her purse
No sane man will not let a woman pay for dinner or for a taxi on the first date. But almost all men “frozen out” when a woman thinks it’s almost the main mission of men – pay and pay. Modesty on a first date is to be welcomed. Trying to women to pay for your cocktail will be stopped a man, but go like 10 extra points “in her karma.” For a man, it is a signal – I’m a woman, but I’m not looking for a sponsor. I spend time with the one she chose, not who pays my bills. Oh, how often do we see quite the opposite picture …
6. The desire to surround a man total attention and care
Believe women, men annoying, but not happy when he wakes up, and already Wats Up “Good morning darling!” And a lot of hearts, lips and smiles. He goes to work, and Wats Up has her photo in pajamas with a sad smiley – “I’m so bored.” God forbid, if there will be more fluffy kitten or puppy! While he was driving to work, she had already gone to his profile on Facebook and “otlaykala” all his pictures. Man understands – he is surrounded. Genetically virtually any man maniacal desire to be free. He is, in principle, willing to give their freedom that only that love, but when the perimeter of living space men put red flags, he likely will develop a plan to escape.
7. The teacher high school
Such women can be recognized even by their manner of dress. Most likely, it is a strict business suit, and even if it «casual», that in no case should not emphasize her sexuality. She is a walking encyclopedia and it all has an opinion. She does not understand the simple truth that we must play along a little man to flatter his vanity, sometimes pretend to be naive than she actually is. It generates a lot of awkward moments, demonstrating deep knowledge of mechanics, science, politics and business.
8. Excessive pomeshannost on their appearance
The whole life of these women dedicated to serving your body. Day is divided into two parts – before and after the interior of the cabin. What we get output? Well-groomed body, perfect skin, but the emptiness inside … She is so fascinated by pointing outer beauty that I forgot or scored on the inside. Of course, men are attracted to well-groomed woman, but … for a long-term relationship that is not enough.
9. Convinced careerist
With such a woman is interesting to discuss the state of the Russian economy, oil prices and exchange rates, but after some time a man realizes that business or career – is the only thing it really drags. It’s scary, because in the traditional sense of a man on first place in the women should be very different values – family, children, home. As a rule, these women are moving from the status of “halves” in the status of “just a friend” or “interesting conversationalist.”
10. Woman – “moles”
How scary mole? The fact that it is colorless, silent and faceless. So often a man meets a woman who seemed to be all good – and cute, and brought up, and home … But something it lacks. Not enough life, not enough fire, even a spark! It can become a shadow of a man, but never will complement its image. Even if they start relationships, he will hide it from friends, but “woman – mole” has the unique ability to remain unnoticed even in the noisy company.