Category: Diets

Diet for business lady

Diet Dr. Mirkin

Dr. VI system Mirkin has been designed with them in terms of nutrition and psychotherapy. The system also is called “Diet exceptions”, and, in addition to nutritional advice, which are not so much a...

Diet for business lady

Diet Dr. Kwasniewski

Polish nutritionist Ian Kasnevsky advises actively consume fatty food, forgetting about fashionable diets: fruit, kefir, etc. Like the vast number of nutritionists, he recommends eating in a calm atmosphere, chew food and relax while...

Diet for business lady

Diet Dr. Benjamin

Harry Benjamin – the famous English naturopath, author of works on the prevention and treatment of various diseases by methods of naturopathy – a coherent system of holistic treatments and natural methods of human...

Diet for business lady

Diet Dr. Barusheka

Diet Australian nutritionist Dr. Barusheka fully balanced, contains about 1200-1500 calories a day and well tolerated. Not all products are easy to buy, but they can be found more than a simple replacement. Breakfast...

Diet for business lady

Dr. Atkins’ Diet

Method of Dr. Atkins is not a short course, and a lifelong principle of power, based on the consumption of a balanced healthy diet. Atkins diet restricts consumption of processed / refined carbohydrates (which...

Diet for business lady

Diet for the cold season

Familiar to many autumn and winter weight gain is a safety feature of the body – due to increased subcutaneous fat the body is protected from hypothermia. How to help an organism to survive...

Diet for business lady

Diet to reduce appetite

Action: loss of appetite, weight loss Result: upon expiration of appetite returns to normal, plus the loss of up to 6 kg Application: 4-5 weeks Needed: the usual products The principle consists in alternation...

Diet for business lady

Diet for sexual activity

It is no secret that our sex life often depends on our mood and state of the organism. Not seduce a man intimate games on a full stomach, and a woman betrays passion if...

Diet for business lady

Diet for a flat stomach

This diet is designed to make your tummy beautiful. It is built so that it burns fat in the waist and correctly adjusts the gastrointestinal tract. Diet for a flat stomach consists of two...