Child safety: it’s important to catch up to his birth?

Most parents in the phrase “child safety” in the first place people think of sockets with plugs, hidden away matches and sharp objects. However, your baby needs care, long before the time when he will be born. So, we offer you some important points that must be investigated before it is time to go to the hospital:
- Checking the health of the expectant mother.
Remember that the mandatory list of analyzes, which makes pregnant woman in public antenatal clinics, does not include all diseases that are the most dangerous for the future, but only those that appear on bezoplatnoy basis. For example, tests for dangerous diseases such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, measles and chicken pox are not considered mandatory by virtue of their high cost. As the number of optional and also includes biochemical screening. Ask the attending physician, which diseases are the most dangerous for the future of the child and be sure to verify their absence.
- Preparation of the future pope to the presence at birth.
If you plan to partner childbirth, be sure to check in the selected maternity hospital, which analyzes should make the future pope, and prepare all the necessary information for the hospital. Think in advance about the collection “alarm suitcase” for the future of his father with everything you need (coat, boots, mask and so on.). Remember that affiliate childbirth – a crucial step and before it to decide a couple should discuss ready if both of the spouses to it. After all, moral unpreparedness for such a process and unexpected behavior of one of the prospective parents may impede the work of the doctor, that will affect the health of the newborn.
- Timely signing of the agreement on the preservation of the child’s umbilical cord blood at birth.
Umbilical cord blood – part of the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the birth of the baby and contains high concentrations of adult stem cells. More recently, it disposed of together with the cord as unnecessary biological waste. But with the discovery of technologies for cryo-storage of biological material from their parents the opportunity to provide a child of his own stock of stem cells at the time of birth. Cryo-storage of stem cells (stem cells used to treat more than 100 diseases, the majority of which – cancer) by a special organization – cord blood banks. In the world there are more than 200 in Ukraine also have the option to save the cord blood in the Family cord blood bank “Hemafund”, and provide a kind of biological insurance to your baby in the event of serious diseases.
Umbilical cord blood – a simple, fast and secure process that does not interrupt the natural course of labor. Brought together in the nursing home and deposited in the “Hemafund” umbilical cord blood of your child, you take care of a young active stem cells of a newborn baby, which is 100% fit him with a 25% probability it will be able to approach the next of kin.
In order to ensure the collection and storage of cord blood stem cells are kindly requested to contact the child in family cord blood bank “Hemafund” and choose your preferred package.After signing the contract in your chosen maternity hospital forwarder Family cord blood bank “Hemafund” take cold box with everything you need for the collection of umbilical cord blood-filled materials and documentation.Umbilical cord blood from all the norms of the Ministry of Health will hold a doctor maternity hospital, and cord blood bank will ensure that the leukocyte fraction, making all the necessary tests and long-term cryo-storage cell deposit child.
- Safety of the child during the road from the hospital
Unfortunately, not many parents know that a newborn baby in any case can not be transported in a car in the hands of adults, or in a removable cradle of the carriage. Since in a collision or a sudden jerk of the car nor my mother, nor cot, not fit for transportation in a car, can not provide the rigid fixation of the body position of the baby. It may not affect the health of the adult organism, but result in serious injury not strong spine of the child. Baby car seat – is a special device that can ensure the safety of small passenger, and not only in case of an accident, but with a sharp jerk, or an emergency braking maneuver. For example, in civilized countries at discharge from hospital to transport a child is authorized only in the car seat, which is equipped with a mandatory parents car or taxi service. In Ukraine, for buying car seats need to take care to parents, so that the first path from the hospital and my mother had a baby in the safest possible way.
- Checking the safety of the crib
Surely, you do not like modern parents give in “granny” superstition and already preparing everything you need for a newborn baby. Crib – the one piece of furniture that is sure to appear in your home and will be the first territory of your baby. Therefore, it is important to make sure it is completely safe. The first thing you should pay attention – cribs stability and reliability of fastening of all its parts. The second aspect – the distance between the bars of the walls. It should be no more than 6-7 cm, so as not to allow the child to squeeze between them. Note to cover the crib: it should not be easy to shear, contain lead and other harmful substances. Also, there should be no any film coatings on a bed, mattress and blanket, creating a choking hazard.
And one more thing – the mattress in the crib must be securely fixed and do not move when moving the baby and big blankets and bedspreads and unnecessary items (pillows, soft toys and so on.) Should be absent.
We hope that these tips will help you do not miss important moments safety baby and help him to come to this world protected parental care.