Childbirth and childbirth today 50 years ago – what more?

Unique results were obtained in the course of new studies by representatives of the National Institutes of Health. Scientists compared the modern generation to generation in the 1960s, found a greater duration of the first of them.
Duration of labor in our time increased by two to three hours, compared with childbirth in the past. Increased duration occurs in the first stage of labor. Mothers are older, more fully and give birth to bigger kids. Yet researchers do not consider it a sufficient basis for such temporary changes.
An important factor for the extension of the duration of labor in modern obstetrics has become an epidural . Today it is used much more frequently than in those years. Epidurals can slow labor for a period of approximately 40 minutes. up to 1.5 hours.
Another proposed cause of slow delivery – Fetal fetal monitoring. Its implementation requires a permanent location on the mothers back or side. But births are more effective when driving mom of releasing the hips, allowing gravity to work on the accelerated release of the child.
The duration of labor affects the hospital environment, medical support delivery. This convinced researchers. In the 60 years can not be described as medical support maternal ideal. Even used a drug that could cause amnesia in mothers. But just as there were many women who have had a natural birth without medication. Today, more and more often used unnecessarily constant fetal monitoring. A well-trained staff is always willing to not always be present during long labor. That is, they are not ready at all times to help the new mother in the natural development of generic events. Hormone oxytocin does not work with fear and much bright light. Perhaps that is why several generations slow down when mothers come to the hospital. There is an assumption that in the 60 years to make greater efforts to ensure not only the natural maternity support, but also in the privacy of birth.
Same cause with unique influence on the duration of labor to determine scientists and failed. But they are convinced that today we need to set new standards the course of labor, under which one could adjust our expectations. And something needs to be addressed with an increased number of unwarranted cesarean section and induction of labor.
Should be revised concept of “abnormal childbirth”, and the timing of delivery. Otherwise, it becomes unrealistic our perception of the generative process, the risk of non-progressors called normal birth delivery. Often it is, in turn, increases the likelihood of use of stimulant drugs, which is not really needed.
How to speed up and anesthetize natural childbirth methods, advanced maternal teach childbirth preparation courses and practice for pregnant women . This is one of the most effective ways to get today is not in the statistics for cesarean section or stimulation delivery.