Preparation for childbirth: they labor partnerships are contraindicated

Preparing to leave – it’s not just the acquisition of knowledge about techniques to reduce pain and training body for delivery. Preparing for childbirth requires more and decision-making. For example, how optimal partner for delivery of your pair. Alas, sometimes the desire of labor should be an exception in the incarnation.
So, we list some couples and partnerships with public relations labor psychologists are not recommended.
- Couples in which the woman has every day to win her man. It is in such a case can break the delivery is the only way my husband demanded seductress.
- Another similar situation concerns of couples in which the man – a selfish lover. He used to love it. Even if he will make efforts no entries will be released. On the contrary, freeing him from the joint labor, you have a chance to get votes in the meeting house.
- Couples in which the birth of a child is used as a resuscitation relations.
- Couples who go on joint labor only for the status of “the perfect family” in their environment.
- Couples in which the man unnecessarily vulnerable. A weak man will only add stress maternity. Panic next to her did not ease the situation.
- Couples in which the husband agrees to partnership delivery only to control everything. Real help from his future mother can hardly wait.
- Couples in which the woman is trying to “keep face” concerned perfectionism. She was always diligent and diligent. Instead of effort to get a relaxing, it will send all power to the self (to look aesthetically pleasing, not to scream, and the like). It threatens to increased pain, prolonged delivery and risk for the baby.
- Couples in which the woman plays the role of karatelnitsy. She calls her man to give birth, so that he witnessed how she suffers, as it is not easily given. The desire to punish all faults – not the best background for a joint meeting of mom and dad with a child.
If you can not solve on their own, suited to your birth partner, useful for your pair is a professional psychological counseling. For those couples who are able and willing to pass partnerships birth, will be very useful training courses for childbirth .