Preparing for a Cesarean section

Preparing for childbirth is not only important in the case of vaginal birth. Even if you are waiting for elective caesarean section, for the sake of the child and easier postpartum period should undergo special training. Preparing for a Cesarean section has required steps and components. Doctors, instructors in preparation for childbirth combined them into a single list.
- After a final medical report on the need to schedule a cesarean training courses for caesarean section . Remember that usually cesarean analgesia his pregnant should sign a written agreement. Date of birth is assigned as close as possible to the date of delivery.
- For 1-2 weeks. before elective caesarean section you will be referred to the hospital. You may be offered (assign) an additional examination in the hospital. In some cases, you may need medical correction of the condition.Assessed and the child’s condition. If no serious complications, the cesarean section can recover the transaction date or the day before.
- After the 20th week. pregnancy you may be asked to hand over about 300 ml of blood and freeze in spetsmorozilnike for possible blood transfusion during surgery. 2-3 days to recover plasma.
- Speak elective caesarean section with the doctor who will do it. Each maternity hospital may have their own characteristics in cesarean, used in anesthesia (maybe there is the possibility of using regional anesthesia) and in the conduct of the postoperative period.
- Discuss with your doctor the possibility of the presence of her husband on a caesarean section. Find out what you will need for this. Specify whether the child after birth, put her husband in the chest for you.
- After cesarean section (and sometimes before) will have to spend in the hospital longer than usual. Think about who can take care of older children, the house and pets.
- Speak to your doctor nuances of breastfeeding after surgery when you can start, etc.
- Ask your doctor how to eat before surgery. Usually 12 hours before surgery (before induction of anesthesia) are advised not to drink or eat. Evening before surgery should easily dine. The following two days will be without food.
- The night before the cesarean section, it is important to sleep well. Given the excitement, ask your doctor to recommend you a restful sleep.
- Ask a doctor’s permission to take a relaxing bath. Be sure to take before surgery hygienic shower.
- Two hours before caesarean section will be enema.
- Before the actual start of the operation, be ready to introduce a catheter into the bladder. Remove it a few hours after the operation.
- Ask permission to ask questions during the operation, if it is used regional anesthesia. Learn about the opportunities put the baby to the breast after birth.
Preparing for a C-section – is it possible to reduce the effects of surgery. Pay attention to him for the sake of yourself and your baby!