The link between diet and the type of person’s behavior

Scientists were able to reveal the interdependence of food addictions and mental condition of the person. So, chocolate lovers at heart is lonely and unhappy people in whose lives there is a lack of love, compassion, attention, the newspaper RBC daily.
And according to the therapist, assistant professor of psihosomatologii RUDN Vladimir Esaulova addicted to milk products produces the need for care and affection. “After all this food is associated with the mother’s milk, and hence the period of life when we are protected and surrounded by love,” – said Esaulov.
“In general, any taste preferences indicate the presence of specific psychological needs. Link to acute issues in the life of the desire to add pepper to hard foods – nuts, hard fruits – the desire to win. Psychologists know that the love of a particular food is rooted in childhood or any other happy time when certain products are associated with pleasure, reward, or a sense of security. Therefore, based on food addiction is not only a physiological need for specific foods, as the desire to return to the best moments of life, “- says the psychologist.
Meanwhile, the known and the other pattern. Fans of meat, especially beef, are often nervous and aggressive. And people who prefer mainly fruits and vegetables have a calm and balanced character.
In the XIX century biochemist Alexander Danilevsky conducted an experiment on pigeons that within five to six weeks fed completely different food: one group was fed peas, and another – boiled meat. Another interesting point was the changing nature of birds. For example, birds peck peas, were calm and good-natured. A meat-eaters become irritable and aggressive, and after a few months they have become such a diet in these predators. The postulate of the peace-loving vegetarians and meat eaters aggressiveness has become widespread.
A Russian scientist, PhD Alexander Makarov, according to its own statements, revealed the subtle nuances of the effect of the nature of the choice of food and food on the personal qualities of man. For example, according to him, the tomatoes in any form – raw or fried – food generous Democrats with a broad mind. Cucumbers like a sensitive nature. Cabbage and beans is preferred by people who need to have the courage and determination. But individuals, feeding exclusively vegetables, characterized by high disgust, fear of difficulties compliant.
By the way, the method of cooking vegetables, too, speaks volumes. Those who do not mind pohrustet raw carrots, apples, cabbage, mental health and balanced, in the nature of the same fans sour, salty and heavily marinated there are obvious tyrannical notes. For example, Ivan the Terrible loved pickles and sour milk. Peter I also prefer products with a sour taste, and Stalin could not live without the new wine and lemon.
Products of animal origin, of course, carry their own special “psychological charge.” In particular, Alexander Makarov asserts that the sausage and cooked meat prefer individual perseverance, diligence and commitment. Love of fatty foods – fat, bacon, bacon, pork ribs – are a sign of jealousy, mistrust and a sense of possessiveness.
Fans of smoky meat, kebabs, smoked sausage – hopeless romantics and dreamers, loves to travel. Natur dreamy and hedonistic configured gives a special craving for seafood. Admirers of cheeses are people reliable, consistent, soft and pliable.