Vertical birth

“Traditional” for us birth, lying on his back, were introduced in obstetrics only in the XVIII century, in France only because of convenience take delivery men. Prior to this, in many countries, including the Slavic countries, women gave birth in poluvise the husband, squatting, standing, and struggles to walk or even tried stepping over an obstacle. Peoples of the North, China, South America, Africa, Mexico, Germany, Holland, Slavic countries – long vertical birth was only acceptable for them. Today’s advanced the hospital, mother and child centers try to bring back vertical birth in obstetrics.

What is the vertical birth 

Vertical birth through the following steps:

  • Dilatation of the cervix. When vertical childbirth a woman can behave freely at this stage: stand, walk, be half-sitting on a chair, hanging on her husband, etc. Since the disclosure of the cervix is ​​softer contractions are less painful. Statistically proven that the first phase of the vertical delivery for 2-3 hours less labor in the supine position.
  • Expulsion of the fetus. Woman to have a child may, at its whim: sitting on a special chair, half-sitting squatting, kneeling.Usually a woman intuitively selects the most comfortable position for herself and her child. As a minimum, sitting or standing woman creates conditions for a smooth, gentle entry baby’s head in the birth canal. The second stage of labor in childbirth vertical longer than the horizontal, what is best for the mother and child. All vertical posture obstetrician-gynecologists recommend rehearse beforehand, which often can offer training courses for childbirth .
  • Birth of the placenta. Placenta at birth vertical delivery is faster.

Childbirth, supine and vertical birth – what’s the difference? 

Childbirth, lying on his back, as the process has several disadvantages:

  • such births are less convenient and less physiological for the female body and the child;
  • pain during childbirth horizontal stronger than at birth standing or sitting;
  • horizontal birth to a child receives less oxygen: the uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels along the spine, including the aorta, so sufficient blood flow is disturbed;
  • childbirth, lying on his back, a slow that sometimes requires the use of stimulation, which is not safe for mother and child health;
  • horizontal during childbirth a woman have to put more force to push the child;
  • leading role during childbirth horizontal assigned to staff.

Vertical birth as opposed to horizontal suggests an active role of the woman. During childbirth vertical woman can have a baby faster, easier, with less pain, more rare use of stimulation by gravity, optimal coordination of the muscles of the back, abdominal and pelvic floor when pushed, there is no undue compression of vessels, etc. Vertical birth are more convenient for the mother and fetus, and also more physiological. Observed that breastfeeding lasts longer vertical after childbirth.

If the hospital and the doctor admits vertical birth, then the possibility of new mothers are automatically expanded. She can choose what she most convenient. If a particular female body they are barely acceptable, the woman is always the possibility to lie back and give a leading role to staff.

According to statistics, vertical birth lead to injury to the female figure of 1% and the incision of the perineum – 5%. Figures horizontal genera are respectively 5% and 25%. When vertical childbirth reduced the risk of infection of the uterus. In vertical childbirth and reduced blood loss.

Vertical childbirth and health, child development 

Vertical birth has a significant positive impact on health, child development. Here only the main aspects of the use:

  • reduced risk of fetal hypoxia due to lack of pinching uterine vessels;
  • reduced the likelihood of painkillers and stimulants that may adversely affect the health and development of the child;
  • reduces the need for forceps to promote child;
  • reduced risk of birth trauma for the child; statistics, during vertical childbirth complications in children have 3.5% of the cases, in contrast to 35% of the horizontal confinement;
  • newborns in vertical childbirth have higher Apgar scores;
  • babies born in vertically increases faster weight after birth;
  • reduced risk of neurological syndromes;
  • among children who underwent vertical birth, higher rates of development: 31% of them had advanced development, and after childbirth horizontal figure – 8%.

So, vertical birth have a number of advantages. But they are only possible in a favorable situation. If there are any complications, nursing leadership is fundamental and application of medical devices, the woman should choose a horizontal delivery.

Let Your delivery will be easy, and you can appreciate the vertical birth appreciated! 

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