When we say that sex

When we say that sex – an important part of life, it is important to remember that our way of life, too, has a significant impact on what is happening in the bedroom. You can argue long about communication, but agree with his own body is much more difficult if you do not have time to yourself and protects run health. Here are a few changes (including the ridiculously simple), which, among other things, to help you get maximum enjoyment from the vicinity.
1. Drink moderately
I did not surprise you by saying that alcohol relaxes the mind, unleashes language and spreads her legs, but here it is important not to overdo it. Of course, to get drunk to the point of vomiting nederzhimoy sighting is not necessary regardless of whether you plan to sex; I’m on the other.
A good dose of alcohol in the blood (an average of the hospital if visibly disturbed coordination – you’re already there) adversely affects the erection (harder to reach, harder to keep), inhibits the release of vaginal lubrication and reduces the sensitivity for both sexes. orgasm will be more difficult if he even deign to appear.
The explanation is simple: alcohol – a depressant, and he, figuratively speaking, interferes with your central nervous system and genital agree.
2. Straighten your back
Here in this video is very well explain how posture affects your psychological state.
Try not to slouch. Hunched posture increases the level of cortisol (a stress hormone) and reduces the level of testosterone (a hormone a lot of things, particularly affects the libido of both sexes, the formation of sperm, erection and blood flow to the clitoris). So if you are looking for an additional reason to sit up and straighten your shoulders , consider that here it is.
3. Give yourself into shape
No, I’m not saying that everyone should be thin. I’m not skinny. Just a combination of “a lot of fat + very little fiznagruzki” spoils all areas of your life, sex – not least. If you have ever occurred in the middle of the night love shortness of breath and pain in the muscles of the press (for example, in the missionary position for men) or feet (in a pose rider), it’s time to change something .
Obesity adversely affects the status and vascular permeability, and hence the flow of blood to the penis will be hindered (read: erection can be a problem), not to mention the psychological aspect – if you are unhappy with your body, get pleasure from anything, including proximity, will be more difficult (see para. 7).
4. feet warm
Grandma was right. A study conducted in the UK a few years ago, showed a surprising relationship between the probability of orgasm for women and warm socks on her feet.Ladies, whose feet were warm, finishing on average 80% of cases , and their bare colleagues – only 50%.
Additional research to find out why this relationship is not performed, but there are theories that the case in the sense of physical and psychological comfort. Believe it is generally not difficult: any sex therapist will tell you that relaxation and a sense of security – the most important conditions for pleasure women in bed.
5. Throw Finally, smoking
Among men with erectile dysfunction of smokers (including former) twice more than those who have never had such a habit. There is also the case in the vessels – they are narrow, and these changes may be permanent. This is not to mention the other effects of smoking, reasons to quit so that there is, of course, not only in men.
6. masturbate without fanaticism
In the US there is the concept of sexology Death grip . This is when a man during masturbation clings member, as the last bottle of your favorite beer, which is about to be removed from production.
Many men used to bring themselves to climax so. This kind of “formula is quick orgasm”, and it is not bad in itself, but it can interfere with having fun in other ways.Vagina (even with a very toned muscles) or mouth women simply will not be able to repeat this trick .
There are many ways to cope with it. It is possible to gradually reduce the pressure. You can try new techniques. You can just do without orgasms a while and watch the reaction of the body to a more gentle touch after the break.
Hard, of course, but all post-pubertal males know that erection – vospolnimo resource and to miss a couple without necessarily ejaculation at the end did not inflict any harm to your body.
7. Make friends with your body
It’s more about women, although not just about them. If during sex, you think about how your breasts look in this position and how to bend so that the folds on the abdomen were not visible, you can forget about orgasm. Whether your partner even sex god in the flesh, if you mentally step back from one’s own body and not ready (read: I think that you have no right) to have fun – nothing happens .
Complexes – terrible enemies of your sexuality. This little gremlins that would hinder you (“do not do this, what would he think?”), Interfere liberated (“you’re too fat / skinny / terrible”), throw stupid, vile, distracting from the moment of fantasy (“in fact he does not want you “).
There is no quick fix: The problem with self-esteem is solved long work on yourself, ideally – with the help of a good psychologist. But if you start to “be exhausted”, then think about this.
You have already removed the panties. All real cause for embarrassment remained behind this barrier .
No need to cling to the complex, like a lifeline. When postorgazmennaya euphoria subside, can again hate your cellulite thighs and pimples. Do it in the process – how to cut yourself for every bit of ice cream eaten: calories obtained, and no buzz.